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What is the Database Deployment Toolkit?

The StrataFrame Database Deployment Toolkit is a software application that is used to deploy specific database structures to a Microsoft SQL Server, without the use of scripts. The Toolkit contains an actual database structure editor for creation, maintenance, and deployment of all elements of a SQL database. Once a meta-data package is created it is used to create all associated tables, relationships, views, etc. Additionally, the same meta-data package can be used to upgrade existing database structures in one pass versus sequential upgrades that are required when using scripts. Not to mention, the upgrade can be controlled programmatically circumventing all need for technical or experienced personnel during the upgrade process.

Initial and Static Data Deployment
Another bonus is the versatility of deploying initial or static data in conjunction with the database structure. For example, if a database needs to be deployed with static postal codes, the Toolkit can accommodate this need without the use of a single SQL script. This convenience enhances user start-up and upgrades and alleviates many potential installation problems.

Become an Instant SQL Server Expert

Manages All Aspects of SQL Server
The Database Deployment Toolkit manages every aspect of SQL Server structure deployment, including support for SQL Server 2005 features like CLR assemblies. The Database Deployment Toolkit even has features for automatic stored procedure creation for INSERTS and UPDATES which can be seamlessly tied into the Application Framework. Moreover, it does the work for the developer so no knowledge of T-SQL code is required. Simply check a box and reap the benefits of CRUD updates.

Import Existing Structures
In addition to managing all aspects of SQL Server, existing databases can be imported into the Database Deployment Toolkit from other database types including FoxPro, Access, SQL Server, and Meta-Data Packages. Additionally, there are auto-conversion tools and all fields will be automatically converted to the appropriate SQL Server data types. Once imported, the structures can be modified as though they were created directly within the DDT.

Who needs the Database Deployment Toolkit?

Anyone who creates, deploys, and maintains a SQL Server database of any kind. The Database Deployment Toolkit is a must have for any ISV (independent software vendor) that distributes an application written for use with Microsoft SQL Server. Developers can save time and reduce the complexity of their deployment process by avoiding the scripts usually necessary to deploy a database structure.
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