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"We chose Strataframe as the means to handle Data Access and Security in the redevelopment of our main product. It has proven itself to be an excellent choice in that role from the start and the more we have used it the more we have come to appreciate the sophistication and breadth of the facilities it provides. Strataframe is constantly being improved and developed, with regular updates and releases, but the basic design has proved itself to be sound. "
- Peter Jones
Managing Directory Systems Engineering Pty Ltd Stirling, Australia

Are you ready for StrataFrame 2.0?
So are we and it is coming! The StrataFrame 2.0 process is officially underway and will be coming to a development environment near you. Click here to learn more about the roadmap and what you can expect.

Ready Out-Of-The-Box
As the StrataFrame community has rapidly grown around the world, so has the need for many of our pre-built components to be localized out-of-the-box.

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Russian, Danish, Greek, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, and Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R and People's Republic of China)

Access Your Data from Anywhere!
The Smart-Client Enterprise Server is a tool which no developer can live without in this rapidly growing distributed work environment. The Enterprise Server allows your data to live in the cloud or on a dedicated remote server while your applications access it from virtually anywhere!
  • Incredibly Fast
  • Load Balancing Support
  • Transaction Support
  • Add a 3rd Tier with a Single Line of Code
  • Supports cloud based data models
  • and much, much, more...
* Live sample available within the trial download
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