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Every data-centric application requires a means for the end-user to “browse” the data store and select a record or group of records to retrieve. Generally, a developer must hand-code the forms used to provide this browse functionality. Each browse searches a different database table, making the creation and re-use of custom browse forms difficult at best, as each requires different search fields and produces different results.

StrataFrame alleviates the headaches associated with creating and maintaining multiple browse forms and reduces the time needed to create a browse form from several hours to as little as 5 minutes. The Application Framework includes the BrowseDialog -- a component that can be dropped on any form to provide the necessary search functionality. After being dropped on a form, the browse dialog only requires 5 simple steps to configure its complete functionality:

Setting the business object to populate The browse dialog must know the type of business object to use for the search and the business object on the parent form that will be populated with the results of the search.
Setting the search fields An integrated type editor is provided to facilitate the configuration of the search fields.
Configuring the results layout Configuring the results layout is very similar to configuring the display columns within a StrataFrame ListView.
Configuring the form layout Setting the form layout is as simple as displaying a preview form and dragging the panels and separators to the appropriate positions.
Adding an additional information panel (optional) An information panel consisting of labels, picture boxes, etc. can be added to the browse dialog to display additional information about the currently selected record within results panel.

The browse dialog is completely customizable and supports the use of advanced search options (begins with, greater than, etc.) that can be toggled on a per-field basis or on all fields together. Results can be sorted by column, and the browse dialog can either copy all of the returned records to the target business object or just the selected record from the browse form.

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